jayne doe toronto dominatrix

One of the questions I get frequently is what would a session be like with you? Or can you describe a session with you? And the short answer is yes, I could explicitly describe in gratuitous detail exactly what I would do with you in our time together – but where would be the fun in that? The element of surprise? The buildup of excitement from the unknown.

Before you arrive I spend time getting into my top space and setting up my play space to our pre-negotiated scene. When you arrive we can quickly chat (and I can answer any remaining questions/ concerns that may have come up) and then jump right in. I’m eager and won’t be able to wait digging my claws into you.

Every session I have, with each person I meet is vastly different, which is already an understatement. Even if two individuals, had two identical kinks, each session would have its own unique pace and flavor. With each time we meet and get to know each other better the eroticism and tension will build, which for me is incredibly exciting. I adore the tension that builds, the anticipation of seeing someone you have played with before. Each time it gets more intense, explosive.

A session with me can be slow and sensual, sadistically playful, merciless and stern, laid back and casual – the way I could describe them could go on and on. The chemistry and rapport vary so much from person to person and is a delightful spice to the session. The kinks included in the session also play a role in how the scene plays out. There is passion in each scene I do, each person I see. I love what I do. Each session will be pre-negotiated to ensure that we’re both on the same page, and we can both have a fiery time.

When the scene is over you can take your time to get your bearings back. I always incorporate aftercare in play, with whatever specific needs that you have. Generally a chat about how you feel, the scene, and a shower to recover. I come down from my top space through cleaning and sanitizing my play space.

jayne doe toronto dominatrix

Below are some helpful tips to ensure our first session blossoms:

1) Relax
Probably easier said than done but I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. It can be incredibly intimidating walking into a new space, with a new person, in a deeply intimate setting. Once you meet me all of your nerves will melt away with how uncharacteristically accommodating I am.

2) Communicate
I’m a giant fan of communication. I want to hear your inner most thoughts and feelings so that I can craft a mutually enjoyable time. Do not be shy, the more open you are with me the better our time spent together will be.

3) Eat a Light Meal & Stay Hydrated
Along with eating a light meal (at least), ensure you’re properly hydrated. Although I am first - aid certified I would prefer not to bust out my skills.

4) Do not Masturbate
After we’ve set up the date I know your body is going to be tingling. To curb stage fright do not masturbate! I know it’s going to be hard - but I believe in you.

5) Know your Boundaries
Boundaries are important for both of us, to know and respect. Please be open, aware and communicate your boundaries with me so we can have a flawless, kick-ass time. If you’re still figuring out your boundaries - that’s okay too! Just keep me in the loop so we can work on it together.

6) Please Arrive Groomed
Ensure you’re showered, smell neutral/ nice, and if pre-negotiated have done an enema an hour or less (or have one with you) prior to our session.

7) Safewords
I always play with safewords. For sake of ease I use the stop light system: red (stop immediately), yellow (slow down), green (let’s do this). The use of these safewords is always welcome, and encouraged if needed.

8) Let Go and Have Fun
BDSM and kink can feel incredibly ethereal and cathartic. Although it can be easy to get wrapped up in your own thoughts and be in your own head; when we’re together - let go.

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